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Here ya go Sapphidoll! My let's play of your game!

I'll admit, I didn't finish the game although I'll do a part 2 later, don't worry about that!

About the only criticism I could give is how areas are connected together is a bit strange and offputting.  You're walking through a forest on one screen while your indoors in another screen.  It's hard to explain without showing you in a video, and I didn't really pick up on it at first in this first vid so...

Otherwise, really great game!

Thank you fro making the game about the best girl in Black Souls, I hope you will make a sequel or another game featuring our favourite fairy again, keep ot up bro!

Best game ever

Hi there! Got to say the card battle system's quite interesting. Shame the item description failed to be shown, I kinda like the owlman reference.

And since you leave no contact, so I'll just leave a comment here to share a Simplified Chinese version of this game with you. I made it for my friends and think other's might need it too.

Keep cooking.



Thanks for playing! I do have next project in mind but it's nothing concrete yet.

Love the game concept, would love to see it more developed.

A few balancing details I spotted while playing:

- Some things can be exploited very easily: like Shadowmoon blade being OP by itself, this weapon basically carry you the whole game by itself

- Hoarding souls for demon to get attack/magic to absurd amount

- Throwing Knife/Kaiser knuckles repeating sometimes for 5+ times (and sometimes not at all)

- Didn't get why sometimes in the library I can read 2 books and sometimes ~5, getting +to Def  and Mdef was to frequent (or again got lucky)

- Fighting was to rare? Or I just got lucky and my run was basically fighting like 10 times (excluding bosses) and rest was events

Some bugs:

- No collisions in some maps

- Bonfire not working properly/Homeward bonedust throwing me back like 40 levels despite resting at bonfires on the way (maybe it's intended?)

- Cure did not heal poison applied by the slime enemy, had to carry it up to the next bonfire

Ending A was spot on, did made me laugh. Thanks for this present.

small indie dev pls understandu. The game got retardproofed at the very last duration so people can finish it, and I simply didn't have enough time to make moveset for the enemies and bosses (had to cut down 1 boss: Wolf in Sheep's clothing)

Also you actually got pretty lucky, the chance for getting into battle map is 20%

Great fangame, had lots of fun abusing enemies with magic cards. Unsure if ending b is supposed to be the words "Ending B" repeating over and over again but neat experience nevertheless, would offer [Dung Pie.] to receive a blessing again

(1 edit)

Did you equip that "ring"?

also if you are using older version there was some bug preventing non-warrior starting class from accessing ending A.

Yeah I did ending A first just fine, it was B that looked a bit odd afterwards